Advanced lightweight system for assisting people with disabilities.
The project aims to create a vehicle that helps passengers with reduced mobility (PRM) to move independently, also allowing them to stay connected to the Internet and the rest of the world. It is a means of transport suitable for indoor mobility that aims to meet the needs of people with mobility difficulties. In particular, the project supports greater freedom of movement, thanks to stability control systems, and makes interaction with the environment easier by exploiting the principles introduced by technological progress in the IoT sector.
Result to be enhanced
The result obtained is a prototype of a vehicle for passengers with reduced mobility, that allows for indoor autonomous driving, replacing manual wheelchairs which currently require personnel to be moved within hospitals, nursing homes or airports. This prototype was developed starting from the requirements expressed by the partners Kursana and San Camillo and tested at their facilities to validate the technology and the features developed.
Why is it important?
The project led to the establishment of long-term collaborative relationships between the partners of the project. As for the product, the project led to the development of a technological solution capable of replacing non-automated solutions found in hospitals, nursing homes and airports, which pose health risks to dedicated s
Project and Acronym: ALBA
TRL: Partenza 5 – Arrivo 8
Reference call: Piattaforma di Filiera, PON FESR 2014/2020
Innovation Cluster to contact: ICT
Technologies used: Autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, sensor technology, IoT
Lead company:
Alba-Robot S.r.l | |
Collaborating companies:
Politecnico di Torino, R Zenti, Co.Mec., Presidio Sanitario San Camillo, Kursana, Teoresi