The Innovation Clusters hold active collaborations at local, national and international level.

The Piemonte Innovation Clusters hold active collaborations at local, national and international level. Being part of many thematic networks allow us to be at the center of innovation and to give better services and maximize the impact of our actions. Our networks support the local companies in getting more and more competitive and innovative.

ITS Regional System

ITS Mechatronics and Aerospace 

(+39) 011.3828476
Innovation Cluster to contact: MESAP

ITS Agrifood for Piemonte

(+39) 011.5224660
Innovation Cluster to contact: Agrifood


(+39) 011.0371500
Innovation Cluster to contact: ICT

ITS Texile Fashion Clothing 

(+39) 015.8853523/393.8526184
Innovation Cluster to contact:

ITS Bio-technology 

(+39) 0125.1865274/345.8845635
Innovation Cluster to contact: bioPmed e CGreen

ITS  Piemonte Energy

(+39) 331.4829233
Innovation Cluster to contact: CLEVER

Cluster Tecnologici, iniziative e progetti extraregionali

Polo ICT, Mesap, CLEVER, Cgreen and bioPmed have a collaboration agreement with the Valle D’Aosta Region. As part of the collaboration with the Valle d’Aosta Region, Envipark, MESAP, Piemonte Innova and Proplast also participate in the Eva+ Energia project for the Valle d’Aosta for the digital and sustainable use of resources, for the support, promotion and the enhancement of locally developed solutions.


Another relevant extra-regional project involving bioPmed, CGreen, CLEVER, PO.IN.TEX, Polo Agrifood and Polo ICT, through their Managing authorities, is NODES – Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile  – Mission 4 (Education and research) , Component 2 (From research to business) of the Recovery Plan to support and accelerate the sustainable and inclusive growth of the territories, through the creation and strengthening of research chains and industrial chains, and the development of new products and processes, among SMEs locals.

The Innovation Clusters, in agreement with the Regione Piemonte, participate also in the National Technology Clusters, initiatives of the Ministry for Education and Research, which bring together public and private subjects and operate on the national territory in sectors such as industrial research, training and technology transfer:

Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Spring (circular bio-economy)
Innovation Clusters to contact: CLEVER e CGreen

Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Energia CTNE (energy)
Innovation Cluster to contact: CLEVER

Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Made in Italy (design, fashion, furniture, nautical science, goldsmith, luxury)
Innovation Cluster to contact:

Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale per le Smart Communities (mobility, security, data economy)
Innovation Cluster to contact: ICT

Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Fabbrica Intelligente (industry 5.0, smart products and processes, innovative manufacturing)
Innovation Cluster to contact: MESAP

Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Trasporti (mobility)
Innovation Cluster to contact:  MESAP

Cluster tecnologico nazionale CLAN ((agrifood)
Innovation Cluster to contact: Agrifood

Cluster tecnologico nazionale ALISEI (science of life)
Innovation Cluster to contact: bioPmed

Networks and international initiatives

BIC – Biobased Industry Consortium
Innovation Clusters to contact: CGreen e CLEVER

NGIN – Network for Global Innovation 
Innovation Cluster to contact: CLEVER

ECRN – European Chemical Regions Network
Innovation Cluster to contact: CGreen

ECP4 – European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform
Innovation Cluster to contact: CGreen

ETP – European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing
Innovation Cluster to contact:

REGIOTEX initiative
Innovation Cluster to contact:

European Economic Interest Grouping EU-TEXTILE2030 
Innovation Cluster to contact:

Innovation Cluster to contact:  CGreen

EFFRA – European Factory of the Future Research Association 
Innovation Cluster to contact: MESAP

EIT Manufacturing (South)
Innovation Cluster to contact: MESAP

EPoSS – European Technology Platform on Smart Systems 
Innovation Cluster to contact: MESAP

Silicon Europe Alliance 
Innovation Cluster to contact: MESAP

Gaia X
Innovation Cluster to contact: ICT

Innovation Cluster to contact: ICT

Smart Specialisation Platform for Agri-Food – S3P Agri-Food
Innovation Cluster to contact: Agrifood

Polo di riferimento: Agrifood

KIC EIT Health
Innovation Cluster to contact: bioPmed

CEBR – Council of European BioRegions
Innovation Cluster to contact: bioPmed

MAGIA – Medtech Alliance for Global Internationalisation (ESCP – European Strategic Cluster Partnership)
Innovation Cluster to contact: bioPmed

Network IASP – International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Areas
Innovation Cluster to contact: bioPmed

EEN Enterprise Europe Network
Innovation Cluster to contact:  ICT

European Cluster Collaboration Platform
Innovation Cluster to contact: ogni Polo sul proprio dominio tecnologico