Smart Equalizer of Energy Needs.
The main objective of the EIFE project is to develop, realise and validate in the field a Big Data IoT system, capable of interfacing and analysing all the elements that enable heat management in the Smart Building context.
The macro-objectives of the project are:
– ‘Individualise’ as much as possible heat management for flats
– Enable all tenants to set comfort parameters that are optimal for them, also thanks to the diversification of temperatures and heat supply times (times, measured temperatures, comfort index)
– Detect the main environmental parameters in accordance with the SRI index
– Enable centralised system operators to interact with this information to optimise the operation of heating systems, with a view to energy carrier delivery efficiency
– Playing the foundations of a wider offer in the field of IoT applied to the Smarthome.
Result to be enhanced
In order to carry out a check on the consumption efficiency implemented by the EIFE system deployed at the experimental site; the degree days with daily time aggregation, measured by the ARPA Lombardia sensors on the specific area of Milan in the Loreto area (where the pilot apartment building is located) were used. The degree days (GG) correspond to the sum, extended to all the days of the year, of the daily differences (only the positive ones) between the temperature of the indoor environment and the average outdoor temperature. The room temperature is set at 20 °C by convention.
In summary:
– the total number of degree days for the year 2021 and for the year 2022, which shows a decrease of 10.48% in the second year, are therefore on average less cold than the previous year.
– the total MW consumed by the building resulted in a decrease of 25.72%, significantly higher than the % decrease in degree days.
Why is it important?
The project enables the definition of solutions to provide an increasingly efficient heat supply service in private buildings, with centralised boilers or connected to the district heating network, with the aim of identifying innovative ways to offer Facility and Energy Management services.
Project and Acronym: EIFE
TRL: Partenza 1 – Arrivo 8
Reference call: PRISM-E
Innovation Cluster to contact: Polo ICT
Technologies used: NB-IoT/2G/Wi-Fi Big Data AI
Lead Company:
Sysman S.r.l
info@sysman.it | www.sysman.it |
Collaborating company:
SmartDHOME Srl, ESSE DI ESSE Elettronica Snc