Quality control of automotive component surfaces.
The project aims to structure the production chain for the manufacture of automotive components based on new aesthetic solutions through innovative and environmentally sustainable processes. Therefore, in AURAE we fuse aesthetics and eco-sustainability together with the aim of achieving an improved aesthetic effect from an optical and chromatic point of view.
As part of the project, Novasis Innovazione acted as a supplier of vision and optical characterisation systems to ensure product quality. In particular, it was responsible for the verification and study of the aesthetic qualities at the end of production, producing the NASIS prototype, the Novasis Automatic Surface Inspection System.
Result to be enhanced
The prototype consists of a small conveyor belt for handling the samples to be analysed, an electrical cabinet containing the handling and vision controllers, and an optical system based on a linear camera and lighting with a deflectometric technique. In the AURAE project, in addition to the implementation of the vision system, a SW was implemented to process different types of images that allow the analysis of parts with different colours and surface appearance, from opaque to shiny reflective. In addition, a methodology was studied to objectivise the impressionability and cleanability of samples subjected to different surface treatments, e.g. touch screens, handles, insignia, etc. This index of impressionability, objective and free from subjective human judgement, constitutes a distinctive result of the project to be valorised within the supply chain.
Why is it important?
The prototype developed in AURAE responds to a technical need of the end-user and, in addition to allowing the identification of impressions with an objective evaluation and measurement, enables the analysis of the surface quality of samples whose appearance can vary from opaque to reflective, from light to dark. Another application area for the exploitation of the result of the AURAE project is the use for the e-mobility sector, e.g. in the analysis of the surface quality of punch-type battery cells for the identification of defects such as scratches, or the detection of irregularities in fuel cell components.
The project also enhanced the collaboration of the supply chain, from the end-user Stellantis to four medium-sized companies and two SMEs.
Project and Acronym: AURAE
TRL: Partenza 3 – Arrivo 6
Reference call: PiTeF, Piattaforma Tecnologica di Filiera Regione Piemonte
Innovation Cluster to contact: Mesap
Technologies used : vision and automation systems, innovative SW algorithms
Lead company:
Stellantis S.p.a
Collaborating company:
Novasis Innovazione S.r.l | |