LAndslide Smart MOnitoring Network
The project envisaged the development of a wireless geotechnical, environmental and structural monitoring system, capable of creating widespread networks with a low energy impact, equipped with an intelligence residing in a field ‘controller’ device, located in areas and structures considered critical as they are potentially subject to hydro-geological instability phenomena. Using Capetti Elettronica data loggers, it was possible to monitor both on-site and remotely service status of rockfall networks located in Val di Susa and Val Pelline.
Result to be enhanced
Capetti Elettronica has developed a wireless datalogger that is completely autonomous, as it is equipped with an integrated solar panel, capable of measuring inclinations, accelerations and linear deformations for monitoring rockfall networks and landslide fronts.
An in-situ software control was also developed to calculate a landslide severity index, useful for contractors to make timely decisions.
Why is it important?
The presence of pervasive systems could improve the level of knowledge of climatic effects on gravitational instability phenomena, especially in specific areas such as those at high altitude, which can be considered geo-indicators of ongoing climatic variations. Furthermore, the WineCap system is completely autonomous and does not require major maintenance or connection to the power grid. It is therefore possible to realise targeted infrastructure maintenance interventions with the data collected.
Project and Acronym: LASMON
TRL: Iniziale 4 – Finale 7
Call for applications: PRISM-E
Innovation Cluster to contact: Polo ICT
Technologies used:Wireless Low Power technology with proprietary WineCap protocol
Lead Company: GD Test S.r.l
Collaborating company:
Capetti Elettronica S.r.l |