Prodotto speciale formulato per la realizzazione di conglomerati cementizi ad alto tenore di vuoti con caratteristiche drenanti, appositamente studiato per il settore delle pavimentazioni stradali.
The EU Directive, adopted in 2012 for the protection of water resources, proposes a series of water efficiency measures, including the calculation of ecological flow (i.e. the volume of water that ecosystems need to thrive), the implementation of water resource accounting for the efficient allocation of water, the reuse of water for irrigation or industrial use, the measurement and pricing of water consumption and eco-design criteria for products that consume water. At the same time, the quality of water resources is threatened by pollution, wastewater discharge, over-abstraction and hydromorphological changes due to industrial activities, agriculture, urban development, and climate. The proposed research topic on the use of drainage concretes in roads with low vehicular traffic, including pedestrian areas and cycle paths, goes in the direction of a sustainable rainwater cycle by contributing to a natural enrichment of the aquifers with less contaminated water and a reduction of heat loss into the atmosphere due to nocturnal evaporation. The choice of draining concrete is placed in the context of urban road pavements as a valid alternative to traditional systems, characterized by closed bituminous conglomerate pavements. The project has addressed some of the technical and scientific problems not yet solved at national and international level to make this methodology more attractive to local administrations. In particular, laboratory and field experiments were aimed at defining the protocols and test methodologies suitable for guaranteeing working performance, identified in the design phase. In particular, the following aspects were addressed:
• identification of a specific mix-design methodology for draining concretes to avoid obtaining different results in terms of mixture composition;
• bridging the gap between the performance obtained in the laboratory compared to those obtained on site, including degree of compaction, porosity, curing, fatigue resistance and accumulation of permanent deformations;
• development of models for structural design of the thickness of the layer in draining cement conglomerate that takes into account its specificities in terms of permeability and resistance;
• implementation of the Life cycle costs (LCCA) method to better evaluate the benefits of using permeable concrete pavements and formulate recommendations for the development of the technique through this method;
• development of high-strength and durable drainage concretes for a possible implementation of the technique on roads with a higher vehicular traffic.
Result to be enhanced
The project involves an increase in safety levels and an optimal solution for the management of rainwater.
Why is it important?
It fully responds to the new needs due to the tropicalization of the climate, providing the P.A. with a valid and effective tool to manage heavy rainfall and reusing any stored water. The system is fully reusable, creating another important corollary as the one of the circular economy.
Project and Acronym: ECCIS
TRL: ?
Reference call: ?
Innovation Cluster to contact: CGREEN
Technologies used: Innovative mixture and new high-capacity drainage system for cycle paths and limited traffic areas made with cementitious binder.
Lead Company:
Cismondi S.r.l
Collaborating company:
Politecnico di Torino – Dipartimento DIATI in qualità di OR